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Whether you bought your kilt from MacGregor and MacDuff or somewhere else, we want to see you get the most out of it. That's why we offer kilt alterations and full remakes. From a simple buckle adjustment to unstitching all the pleats, our talented kiltmakers can make your kilt feel brand new.

Please note that our timescales are fixed and we will be unable to rush your order. We can however offer you a kilt hire while you wait for your kilt to be completed.

To book a kilt alteration appointment at any of our UK locations, give us a call on 0141 280 3398. Alternatively, use the form below and one of our team will call you within 48 hours.

Kilt Alterations

A kilt can last a lifetime and beyond, but as your body changes, your kilt unfortunately doesn’t. That's why we offer kilt alterations from as little as £50. If your kilt needs to be let out or brought in a couple of inches, this can be accommodated by moving your kilt strap and sewing it in at the new location. We are also able to hem your kilt to alter the overall length of it for a better fit.

Kilt alterations have a lead time of 6 to 8 weeks so keep that in mind if you have a specific event coming up.

Full Kilt Remakes

MacGregor and MacDuff handmade kilts can be completely unstitched and remade to a new size. Some kiltmakers sell hand-finished kilts but call them handmade. These types of kilts have been partly made using a sewing machine and are much more difficult to work with. As a result, it may not always be possible to completely unstitch them. If you bought your handmade kilt elsewhere, we will inspect it to see if we can help.

Full kilt remakes work best when sizing down to smaller sizes, as this is always possible. Depending on how much extra material is available in your kilt, it may be possible to increase the size by roughly 5 inches. This is reliant on how much material is available within the design of your kilt’s pleats. When resizing to a larger size, we will inspect your kilt first to ensure it is possible to increase it by your desired amount.

Full kilt remakes are £350 and have a lead time of 14 to 16 weeks.