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The Kings of Kilts on Harris

Our new Harris Mist tartan has launched across our purchase range of highlandwear products and the response has been spectacular. Once it finally launches in our hire range on the 1st of June, it might just top the list as our most popular tartan. We have to admit, this is pretty exciting but when you look at the tartan, it's easy to see why it has been so well received. It’s a modern, stylish tartan that is as versatile as they come. While our in-house tartan design team are the ones who actually created the design, credit is due to the place that inspired it, the Isle of Harris. The picturesque scenery and landscape were where we drew inspiration from for the greens greys and blue with the orange paying homage to the warm Harris welcome that you receive when you visit this remote corner of Scotland.

Kings of Kilts On The Isle Of HarrisAs a traditional Scottish highlandwear retailer, we strive to promote Scotland and Scottish culture as well as traditional products. Scotland has a rich culture with so much to offer in today’s world and we want everyone to know it. It’s for that reason that we always use local products and services as much as possible. Over the 40 years that MacGregor and MacDuff have been the Kings of Kilts, we’ve learned that local is always better. While planning our upcoming photoshoot on the Isle of Harris, we wanted to highlight the best of Harris and from what we’ve found, the best is pretty local, or should we say, locals.

Kings of Kilts On Harris March 2023We decided that the best people to model our new Harris Mist tartan during our photoshoot were the same people that gave us the warm welcome when we first visited. So, instead of contacting a modelling agency like we normally would, we put a call out through our contacts on Harris that we were looking for local people to participate. The response we received was much like that same warm welcome, everyone we spoke to was eager to be involved and couldn’t have been more accommodating. As a thank you to everyone involved, we will be gifting each of our new models a made-to-measure Harris Mist kilt that they can wear with pride, knowing that they have all been involved in something a little bit special. Stay tuned for photos from our Harris Mist photoshoot and follow us on Instagram for some possible behind-the-scenes action.

Isle of Harris March 2023While we are on Harris for our photoshoot, we will also be hosting our Harris Kilt Fitting Service. Our fitting services are usually hosted in cities like New York and London, so it’s exciting for us to be able to host the service in such a beautiful part of Scotland. It will also be a great opportunity for the locals to get a ‘big-city’ kilt shop experience without having to travel all the way to the mainland. It’s the least we can do to say thank you for providing us with so much inspiration for our new tartan. There are still some appointments available so if you or anyone you know are on Harris, click here to get booked in to see us while we are there. Whether you are looking for a pair of trews, a tartan bow tie, or a full kilt outfit, our Harris Kilt Fitting Service is the best place to get kitted out for a lifetime of events.

isle of Harris Kilt Fitting ServiceThe entire journey that we’ve been on with Harris Mist tartan has been an enjoyable one, and it’s not over yet. From concept to creation, Harris Mist has constantly reminded us how beautiful Scotland is, not just on the outside but the people in it too. Harris Mist is currently available as a tartan option across our tartan product range. Have you been looking for a way to tartan up your daily wear? Choose a Harris Mist tartan tie or scarf. Looking for a new kilt or pair of tartan trousers? As mentioned earlier, Harris Mist is exceptionally versatile and would make for an excellent choice for your highlandwear outfit. Remember to save the 1st of June in your diary as the date we are launching Harris Mist in our hire range. Harris Mist will be available across our hire range and so will our new Tartbert Tweed jacket and waistcoat which together, are a seamlessly styled match. For any questions about our Harris Mist tartan or our fitting service on the Isle of Harris, email